Party Programme

Communism is alive! Even though it has been declared dead by states men, politicians, professors, editors and other representatives of the establishment, the ideas of communism live in the midst of the struggle of working class people for a better life and a better world.

To the masses of working class people capitalism is unserviceable. In its greedy efficiency it produces so much of waste, so much of misery, so many threats, so much unreasonableness, so much barbarism.

Communism puts forward, as the sole political tendency, a radically different, reasonable and just society as an alternative to the unsuitable capitalism; a society ruled by the workers and directed to fulfil the needs of the working masses in all aspects of life.

To present its views and its aims the Communist Party presents its programme, as an appeal to join us in the struggle for a better future and a better world.

A. The Swedish Class Society

1) The Communist Party is a revolutionary workers' party. Our goal is the complete transformation of the existing society, to abolish capitalism and in its place establish a workers-ruled socialist society.
The socialist revolution turns the present society pyramid upside down. Those who under capitalism are least valued will have the decisive power over the resources of society while those who today possess power and respect are deprived of their privileged position.

2) Capitalist Sweden is characterised by gross injustices and growing gaps between the rich and the poor. The millions of people who built the society by productive and socially useful work in factories, mines, construction works. within communications, trades, medical cares, social services for children and old people, in schools and other sectors lack influence over the distribution of the wealth of society.
The creative, productive work is only regarded as a cost by an ever greedier upper class, that puts speculation in short-sighted, private profit interests above the needs of the people in regard to work, welfare, culture and life stimulating environments.

3) The Swedish class society is ruled by the minority, the bourgeois class, that through its ownership is living on the work of others. The majority of the people is doomed to enrich and serve this minority, being forced to sell its only personal asset to the capital owners, its own labour force.
The capitalist society pyramid is carried by the working majority of the people, the working class, that constitutes the well of exploitation and its necessary precondition.
This gives the working class a special role in the capitalist society. The workers can rid themselves of the capital owners, who are not necessary for production, but the capital owners can not rid themselves of the workers without strangling themselves to death. The working class has everything to gain and nothing to loose in a socialist transformation of society.
To the middle stratas of society - like small farmers, small entrepreneurs, shop owners, artisans and those stratas of employees that have been given a privileged position, the so called middle class - the situation is different. In as much as these stratas get into conflicts with the bourgeoisie they primarily fight to preserve their position as middle class.
Individuals from these stratas can be won for the workers' cause, in the insight that capitalism constitutes a hinder for further development. But as a strata in society they have a position to defend between the two main classes and therefore they vacillate in the class struggle.

4) The power of the bourgeoisie in society is protected through the state and rests ultimately on its organ of violence, as police, military, court rooms and jails, today supplemented by a growing number of private security companies.
It is legitimised through ideological propaganda, where TV plays an increasingly important role in the aims of the upper class to keep the working masses in ignorance and passivity.
As executors and defenders of their anti-popular politics the capital owners have an army of aids in the non-productive superstructure of society. High salaries, tax free benefits and loads of other privileges intertwin the interests of these stratas closely together with those of the capitalists.
Politicians, civil servants, high ranking officials, editors, bishops, ombudsmen and others protect energetically their privileges, putting ever heavier burdens on the working class and those whose situation is the worst in society.
In a class society democracy, the alleged people's rule, is restricted and basically illusory. The state and its organs, including the parliament, are instruments for the capital owners and their class interests.

5) Ever since its appearance the capitalist system has been thrown into periodical crises with mass unemployment and social misery for the working class people as a result.
The capitalist crisis does not have its foundation in want, but in abundance. Mass production of goods does not find a market due to the fact that the workers who produced the goods can not afford to buy them themselves.
The unplanned, anarchist mode of production that characterises capitalism also leads to disturbances and disharmony between various sectors of economy. In the name of structural changes entire branches of production are slaughtered, with a gigantic destruction of capital and devastation of generations of professional labour skills as a result.

6) The capitalist crisis crushes unmercifully the reformist myth of "capitalism with a human face" and proves how indurable and inhuman the present society is.
The needs of food, clothes, housing, medical care, education, transports and all other utilities have not been reduced, on the contrary. Despite this the social welfare is cut down and larger portions of the wealths of society are transferred to the rich, to be used in speculation, to safeguard banks and credit institutes, for investments in other countries and to preserve the privileged position of the squandering class and its more and more decadent life.
The possibilities to refine and develop the national resources of raw material in accordance with the needs and demands of people and nature have not become less either. Even so basic sustenances are scrapped, one reason being that trade with the poor world, where demands are overwhelming, is not considered profitable enough.

7) During capitalism the entire society is directed towards supporting and facilitating the constant expansion of the big corporations and their demands for highest possible profits. The entire capacities of a highly developed industrial country are used in the interests of the few, even though these few disclaim all responsibility for the future development of the country.
Free competition during capitalism is a myth. Capitalism itself nullifies free competition through the creation of ever larger, more powerful and greedier monopolies, that usurp extra profits by division and control of markets.

8) To the capital owners Sweden is too small a country. Their insatiable demands for profits are not contained within the borders of the country. Therefore the export of capital is growing in size and importance. The large Swedish companies locate a growing part of their activities abroad.
This development has reached a new stadium by the Swedish membership of the European Union, which means that the rights of the Swedish people for self-determination has been severely circumcised at the advantage of the corporations' European community and dictatorship of the market.
Those large corporations, that the entire society is aimed at supporting, have betrayed the country and thereby the working people's rights to work, development and welfare.

9) With the development of capitalism the border line between traditional business enterprises and economic criminality is becoming more and more blurred.
The capital owners shun no means to enrich themselves. Speculations, political blackmail and pure plundering of companies and public assets more and more replace productive investment and productive operations. The price is paid be the working class through unemployment and deteriorating standards of living.

10) Sweden is a rich country. Labour force and high knowledge is existing. Raw material and means of industrial production are there. Hospitals, schools, nurseries and other social services as well. Very favourable preconditions exist to provide all people with a positive development and a rich and dignified life. But it is a question of distributing the produced wealth justly and with solidarity, making it obtainable to all.

11) Capitalism has built gigantic production systems making every worker a cog in a social production chain. Anything produced incorporates the joint efforts of thousands of people. The capitalist production is social in its character.
But under capitalism the ownership is still private. This means that the social production, stateowned as well as private, is adjusted to the capital owners' needs for profits, not the needs of society and the working class people.
The contradiction between the collective, social character of production, and the private, individual appropriation of the production results is a fundamental contradiction during capitalism. It can only be solved when also the ownership is social.

12) Private ownership of industries, natural resources, banks and other functions of society is outdated and is hindering a continued development of the country.
This outdated production system leads to unemployment, growing social misery and deteriorated standards of living for the majority of the people.
It also results in a ruthless exploitation of natural resources and environment, where necessary considerations to the laws and possibilities of nature are put aside and denied at the expense of short-sighted, private profit interests and an uninhibited and irresponsible growth philosophy.
In its extension the system of private ownership threatens all life on earth.

B. An unequal world order

13) The Communist Party opposes all oppression, all exploitation and all inequality between races, nations and people. Our solidarity does not know of any national borders. The struggle of the working class is national to its form, but international to its content.

14) The capitalist system has tied together the nations and the peoples of the world in a global system of exploitation, dependence and oppression. Capitalism has developed to its imperialist stage.
Imperialism has created an unjust and unequal world order. Transnational monopolies exploit ruthlessly the natural resources and markets of the poor countries, in order to usurp imperialist super profits. This blocks development in the poor countries and dooms the majority of the population on earth to a life of starvation, misery and national and human degradation.
The class inequalities in individual capitalist countries correspond on a global level with a growing equally obvious and dramatic contradiction between rich and poor nations. A relative affluence in the North corresponds with an appalling misery in the South.

15) The exploitation of the natural resources and cheap labour force in the poor countries is protected by the political, diplomatic and military resources of the imperialist countries. As aid in many countries they have a national ruling class, held under its arms by imperialism, that willingly sells out the assets of its country in exchange for a life in sumptuous luxury.
If necessary the imperialist exploitation is upheld by military force, where the alleged defence of freedom and democracy from the imperialist powers' part only is a necessary veil to cover the politics of greed and self-interest.

16) The Communist Party upholds the right of every nation to self-determination, as a definitive principle for democratic and equal relations between nations and peoples of the world. National inequality and national contradictions can only be exterminated through the rights of every people to determine its own destiny, based on its own preconditions and its own national interests.
Every deviation from this principle leads to national self-righteousness, xenophobia and racism in the oppressing nation. This is also reflected in the working class, that will ideologically be tied up to the ruling class and also might be divided into ethnic, national groupings.
Rallying around the imperialism of the bourgeoisie means that the working class is forging together its own chains.

17) The capitalist world system is uniformed and at the same time divided. Different imperialist big powers and blocs fight over the dominion of the world market, according to the principle the strongest takes the most.
During the 20th century this competition struggle has resulted in two imperialist wars of redistribution, the first and second world war, where emerging imperialist powers with faster economic expansion than those dominating for the moment, have demanded 'lebensraum' and larger portion of the imperialist exploitation.
After the second world war US imperialism has by itself dominated the capitalist world market. But concurrently with stagnation in the US economy new imperialist blocs have been formed in Europe and in Asia, where the European Union and Japan nurse plans to seriously challenge the US on the question of domination on the world market.
In the extension of this development a new imperialist war of redistribution threatens, where millions and millions of people will be sacrificed on the battle field of profits as a bloody reminder of the absurdity of the capitalist system.
A third imperialist war of redistribution constitutes in the age of nuclear arms an acute and dramatic threat towards mankind and all life on earth.

18) Sweden is a small country, but nevertheless an imperialist one, participating in the exploitation of the third world through export of capital, unequal trade, rent exploitation and through participation in a number of the joint organisations of the imperialist world.

19) To the Communist Party international co-operation and international solidarity is a self-evident part in the aspirations to extinguish all inequality in the world. But as long as capitalism reigns all internationalism is based on class.
The Communist Party opposes any form of international co-operation between capitalists aiming at further enslavement of the poor masses in the countries of the third world, or aiming at strengthening one group of capitalists in the competition struggle with another.
Our internationalism embraces exclusively the oppressed of the world, whose struggle for liberation we regard as our own.

C. The socialist alternative

20) The Communist Party asserts that capitalism is unserviceable to the working class and the majority of the people. A just distribution of the resources of society and a development that fulfils the needs of work welfare and culture of all people, presupposes a new, socialist society.
The preconditions for the realisation of socialism are that the working class and all others who are exploited, maltreated and degraded by the capitalist system, unite, break all passivity and take up active class struggle against the existing conditions and those who defend these conditions.

21) Socialism constitutes a complete transformation of the present society - socially, economically and politically.
Under socialism all decisive economic functions are transferred into the ownership of the society, production is organised in a planned way to satisfy the needs of the whole society and all social functions are submitted to influence and control of the majority of the people.

22) A socialist transformation of society is not possible within the frameworks of bourgeois society, it has to take place contrary to its laws and regulations.
It is a question of a revolutionary change, where the working class and the masses of the people by their own strength conquer the political power, smash the bourgeois state and replace it with their own state power, the workers´ state, using this as a tool to uphold a democratic, socialist society.
Socialism means that the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in society and state for a transitional period is replaced by that of the working class, of the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. It's only under communism, when the last remnants of the class society has been exterminated, that the state, as an organ for class suppression, withers away.

23) The actual forms of the socialist revolution are determined by the prevailing concrete conditions and the balance of strength between the classes.
It is quite clear, that the more united and well-organised the revolutionary forces are, the calmer and more orderly will the forms be.
But it is equally clear that the bourgeoisie that in the socialist revolution looses its position as ruling and privileged class, will use all means available, including force of arms, to prevent the establishment of real popular power. Therefore the revolutionary forces, the working class and its allies, must also prepare themselves for an armed struggle.
No party or self-acclaimed elite can, on its own, complete this part of the class struggle. Only the broad masses' own activity and their own consciousness that it is no longer possible to live in the old way can lead the revolution to victory and thereafter safeguard its result.
The liberation of the working class must be its own.

24) The socialist revolution means only the first step towards the abolishment of the class society. The road to communism, where the resources of the society are distributed according to the principle "from each after ability, to each after needs", is still a long and arduous one.
The revolution transfer the state power into the hands of the majority of the people. But classes and class struggle continue to exist, as well as remnants of capitalism in economy, which unavoidably bring forth egoism and ideas of private enrichment.

25) For the victory of socialism a comprehensive development of the productive resources of society and an increase of the social productivity is necessary, which makes it possible to reduce working hours and thereby create practical preconditions to replace an administration of civil service men with direct participation of working people in the daily management of functions of society.
Shortage of material assets leads unavoidably to self-interest, corruption, careerism and other anti-social phenomena.

26) Regarding the struggle to secure the power of the working class and the majority of the people over all functions of society, the defeat of socialism in above all the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has given the revolutionary working class movement invaluable experiences. Since socialism as a concrete existing social system is a young phenomena many experiences have been very dear. Negative experiences can, however, be turned to their opposite, if you learn from them and if you try to find the reasons for the defeats and failures.

27) To make socialism function as a living and dynamic society it is necessary to create organs, through which the working class and the masses of the people directly and daily can exercise their influence over the management of social functions and companies and how the resources of society are used and distributed.
The working class people must also exercise direct control over those who in various capacities are elected as representatives. This applies to politicians, civil servants, company managements, ombudsmen, trade union functionaries and others.
All deputies must be elected in direct elections, must always openly be accountable for and answer to their decisions and actions, and must immediately be removable at slightest sign of power abuse, corruption or incompetence.

28) Socialist democracy emanates from the working people and their own organisations and has as goal to replace the entire relation between the ruling and the ruled by the collective participation of the people in all processes of decision.
Socialist democracy blasts open the limitations of the bourgeois democracy. It does not make any distinction between economic and political power, between judicial and executive power, but submits all social functions to the influence of the working people.
Socialist democracy neither excludes nor preconditions multi party system. The forms will be decided by the conditions under which the socialist democracy will be built, by the class struggle, with the view of guaranteeing maximal manifoldness within the framework of the defence of the socialist transformation. Within this manifoldness religious freedom, freedom of opinion and the right to strike is included.

29) A fundamental socialist principle in the leadership of the nation, trade unions and companies, as well as that of the Communist Party and its organisations, is, that those elected and entrusted may not differ materially from the rest of the people.
Salaries for commissions of trust may not exceed those of an average worker's salary and all privileges concerning conditions of employment and standards of living must be banned.

30) Those principles were established already in the Paris Commune 1871, and have been proven to be a decisive issue for socialism. When abandoned, as in Soviet Union and the former socialist nations of Eastern Europe, careerism, bureaucracy and corruption have spread out into the state and party apparatus, developing itself into new ruling classes of bourgeois type.
The new bourgeoisie in the former socialist nations took all decisions without any insight or control, furnished itself with large material privileges and enriched itself in ever growing proportions through corruption and open embezzlement of the property of society.
A similar development has been going on in the reformist workers movement in Sweden. This has nothing to do with socialism.

D. The struggle for class demands

31) The Communist Party has no special interests separated from the working class. In all its actions the party aims at mobilising the working people to fight for their interest, both in the long and short perspective.
The party position is that only the class struggle, the independent movement of the working masses against the capital owners, gives the working class the possibility to achieve its demands. If necessary this struggle must be carried out in open defiance of rules and laws established by the capital owners and the bourgeois state.

32) Communists support every movement and every demand that advocates the interests of the working people against the capital owners or their administrators in the state, counties or municipals .
In every struggle for daily or part demands the party also represents the fundamental interests of the working masses: the abolishment of the capitalist exploiting system and the thought of a new, socialist society as the only real and permanent solution to working class people.

33) In today's Sweden the struggle for a Swedish withdrawal from the European Union is an all embracing and necessary part on all fronts of the struggle of working class people. Through the E.U. membership the democratic and trade union rights are circumscribed, the welfare is dismantled, mass unemployment is permanented, the rights of women to work is curtailed, profits are put above environment and Sweden is adjoined to a aggressive military pact in the making.
The struggle against the E.U. membership is a class issue. The E.U. strengthens the positions of the bourgeoisie in the Swedish class struggle and makes it possible for it to carry out its anti-popular politics with increased strength. As goals for this attack stands above all the working class and not the least its women.
But the struggle against the E.U. is also a democratic issue. Through the E.U. membership the rights to self-determination of the Swedish people is confined, which constitutes a possible base for abroad popular alliance against the E.U. membership.
The Communist Party raises the demand of Sweden out of the E.U. as a central part both in the class struggle and the democratic struggle.

34) In the struggle for the political rights of the working class the party asserts unlimited freedom of opinion, speech, printing, press, strikes, meetings, demonstrations and organisation.
Under capitalism the real power is exercised by the capital owners. The fundamental aims of elections to parliament, county and municipal bodies are only to elect representatives of the ruling classes who during the following period shall represent the common interests of the capital owners against the working people.
Even though bourgeois democracy is circumscribed and limited the democratic freedoms and rights are important to the working masses, since they facilitate their organising and their possibilities to uphold their interests.
The Communist Party therefore participates, according to its ability, in elections to parliamentary bodies, objects to any limitation of the democratic freedoms and rights, and strives for enlarging the area of the democratic decisions to more sectors of society, including the economic sphere.

35) In the struggle for the trade union rights of the working class the party claims the free rights of strikes, organisation, negotiations and agreements.
The party defends the idea of unionising, since successful trade union struggle presupposes united actions between workers at different working sites and within different branches. Collective agreements and the principle of equal wages for equal work are necessary protections towards the aims of the capital owners to set workers at different working sites against each other with the purpose of lowering wages, deteriorating industrial welfare and other regulations of employment.
The present trade union movement in Sweden has been wringed out of the hands of the workers as a tool of class struggle. Bureaucratic autocracy and boss mentality has extinguished all real influence of the members and turned the LO* and its member unions to an organised part of the supremacy of society.
Trade union struggle must be based on the activities and movements of the working people themselves. The workers can not win anything unless they are prepared to fight united for it.
In the struggle for immediate demands all political party differences of opinions and considerations must be put aside. Unity gives strength.

(*LandsOrganisationen, the Swedish Trade Union Federation of blue collar workers)

36) In the struggle for the social rights of the working class the party upholds the responsibility of society for health care, child and old people care, schools, culture, housing, the right to a secure old age and all people's right to a dignified life.
The party fights every form of privatization within the public sector and objects to any measure aiming at making social rights dependant on the level of solvency of the individual or making it a target for private profit interests. The responsibility of society demands public ownership and public maintenance.
The party's position is that social rights shall be financed by society according to the principle of taxation after financial capability.

37) In the struggle against unemployment the party maintains everybody's right to work, guaranteed by society.
Unemployment is an inevitable part of the functions of the capitalist system and can not be eradicated unless the system of private ownership is eliminated.
But also during capitalism it is possible to carry out a politics limiting unemployment and reducing the consequences for those suffering it. Through class struggle the bourgeois state can be forced to guarantee employment by taking measures against speculations and capital export, as well as through means of reducing working hours, regional politics, state investments and other measures promoting the right to work for all.
In the struggle against company removals abroad and company closures the party demands the state to guarantee the jobs. If a company is closing down a production adventageous to society, it should be confiscated by the state without compensation to the owners.

38) In order to ensure that the entire Sweden shall live and to prevent the capitalist plunder of common resources and environments the party upholds that natural resources and basic industries shall be state owned.
The party objects to the politics of deregulation and maintains the responsibility of society for the infra-structure – such as roads, railways, postal service, tele communications, electricity and water supplies. Responsibility of society demands state and community ownership.

39) In the struggle against environment pollution the party demands: prohibition of production that is environmentally destructive and injurious to health and of harmful outlet in the air, water and soil; a halt to the big companies ruthless exploitation of natural resources; the abolishment of nuclear power and a communication policy that put priority to collective and nonpollutive transports.
The national and global environmental pollution constitutes a serious threat to all life on earth. It is thereby an alarming remainder of the exorbitance of the capitalist system.
The struggle for the environment and the survival of earth and humanity requires collective solutions, where life is given the highest priority and all growth is planned in accordance with nature's global possibilities.
This is made impossible by the driving force of capitalism, individual, private enrichment.

40) In the struggle for the equality between the genders the party objects to all measures that questions or obstructs the rights of women to employment and income of their own, as well as all conditions that discriminates or exploits women as women.
Under capitalism the working class women are a specially exploited group. On the employment market they play the role of reserve work force, hired or dispensed of according to need. Female work is less paid and many women are forced against their will to part time jobs.
At the same time the ideology of the bourgeois society and its view on family sees the woman as main responsible for home work, giving her double burdens. Good health care, child and old age care in public management and work time reduction is a prerequisite to the liberation of woman.
The struggle for the liberation of woman is a part of the class struggle. The demands for equality between the genders and the woman's right to work constitute a necessary part of the organising of the working people. Socialism can not be victorious if half of the working class is put aside, subordinated and relegated to a life in the isolation of the home.

41) In the struggle against militarism the party advocates disarmament, stop for the billion waste to the military and the transformation of the defence forces to a general people's defence.
The fundamental task of militarism in any class society is to uphold the existing order and, when necessary, defend the international interests of the ruling class. The improductive billion waste to the military forces only contributes to maintaining existing social conditions at the expense of welfare and social justice.

42) In the struggle against racism and xenophobia the party emphasises the equal value of all men and the common interests between workers, regardless of nationality.
The party objects to any form of discrimination of foreign workers, politically, economically and socially, and fights all attempts to split the working class people on national or religious differences.
The party fights for Sweden to become a freeport to all refugees fleeing from fascist oppression and terror, from wars and ethnic persecutions.
But we object to the import of cheap labour force of the capital owners, that only aims at lowering the general level of salaries in Sweden and contributes to divide the working class.

43) In the struggle for public health and to ensure the struggle capability of the working class the party advocates a restrictive drug politics.
Alcohol is a drug, in large quantities and regularly consumed, leads to addiction and abuse. Alcohol abuse occurs in all social classes of society, but is especially devastating to the working class, both individually and as class. The class struggle demansds a sober working class.
The party works for an alcohol consumtion, on a low and socially acceptable level. We demand state controlled restrictive regulations of quantitives brought individually into the country,of imports and sales and we oppose cathegorically the demands for market freedom from the EU and the liquor producing capital.
The party works for a drug free society. All non-medical handling of narcotics, including the use of narcotics, is to be forbidden. To hinder the spread of narcotics the party opposes any measure that constitutes a permissive attitude towards narcotics. The party fights all forms of drug liberalism.

E. The Communists and the workers movement

44) The Communist party organises the revolutionary part of the workers' movement. Our task is to gather and act as intermediary of the national and international experiences of the class, as well as according to ability, guide the working people in their daily struggle against the injustices of capitalism and in this convey a socialist perspective.

45) The party aims at winning the majority of the working class people for its programme and goals as the precondition for a complete transformation of the existing society.
As part of this objective the party fights all political movements that aims at disorganising the working class or contributes to subordinate the workers' movement to the interests of other classes.
Above all the party sees as its task to eliminate the Social Democracy its leadership of the workers' movement.

46) The reformist dream, according to which capitalism will be put away by gradual reforms within the framework of the existing society, has become bankrupt. Capitalism remains not the least thanks to the shield that reformism has been towards demands for a fundamental transformation.
As a result the capital owners take every opportunity to take back the reforms and the improvements the working people have achieved through its struggle.
The Social-Democratic party does not any longer represent the working people and its interests. It has become a bourgeois party, guarding the existence of the bourgeois society.

47) The Communist party aims at greatest possible unity in the daily struggle against the capital owners and their political representatives. Unity must be built from below, with the insight that the common interests in the defence of the rights of the working class are superior to political, ethnic and other differences among the working people.
Concerning the demands and interests of the class struggle the party is prepared to cooperate in concrete issues with all parts of the workers' movement, as well as with other movements that opposes the political dictates of the capital owners.

F. The Communist Party

48) The Communist party is forming its politics on the theory of the scientific socialism, on Marxism-Leninism, which constitutes a summary of knowledge won by humanity through the millennia in the fields of philosophy, economy and social sciences.

49) The philosophy of Marxism is based on dialectic and historic materialism, which maintains that all truth must be sought in the material reality and the great basic thought that everything in nature and society is in a process of constant movement and change, where the old and obsolete has to give way for the new and fresh.
Marxism has the same view on itself and its theory. Marxism-Leninism is incompatible with dogmatism and rattling of thesis. It is a living teaching that in full respect of knowledge won constantly is enriched by new experiences, won in the class struggle and in the study of the development of society and nature.

50) The party emphasises the importance of the political and organisational education both of its own members and the working class as a whole.
Political and organisational schooling is necessary in order to develop a conscious movement among the workers for their own, specific class interests. Without such a consciousness there is the risk that the workers fall under the influence of bourgeois movements, which with the help of mass media, schools and other channels of propaganda of the ruling class fight a constant battle to split and passivitate the workers' movement.
Political and organisational schooling is also a prerequisite for a independently thinking working class, which from its own experiences and needs can build the democratic institutions and organs that the new socialist society requires.

51) The independent analysis of concrete conditions and its own application of the foundations of Marxism-Leninism is the badge of honour of the Communist party.
The party has never been subordinated to proclamations of other parties, movements or nations. On the contrary, the party was born in the struggle against the revisionism of Marxism and the castration of the revolutionary workers' movement that was imposed by the bourgeois leadership of the Soviet Union Communist party in the beginning of the 1960's. An imposition that most Communist parties in the world, including the former Swedish one, welcomed and voluntarily subordinated themselves to.

52) To its historic roots the Communist party counts the struggle of the socialist pioneers in Sweden to create a class conscious workers' movement. We aim at carry on the proud traditions of August Palm and keep them alive.

53) As a political movement the party is part of the historic tradition, that with theoretical starting-point from Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, to its references count the Russian revolution 1917, the origin of the Communist world movement thereafter, the successes of the socialist construction in Soviet Union during the 1930's and 1940's, the struggle against fascism, the short existence of the socialist world system during the period following the Second world war, and the victories of the national liberation movements in the Third World.
The party does not deny its historic roots, such things we leave to the lazy, to those believing they can become adults without a childhood. The defeats and setbacks of the Communist movement, partly caused by major faults and mistakes, are to us a source of knowledge, that enriches the Communist theory and politics and that makes it possible to avoid such faults and mistakes in the future.

G. Workers of all countries, unite!

The Communist Party openly declares that its goal only can be achieved by a complete transformation of the existing society.
History shows that such a transformation is possible to achieve in single countries. But it also shows, that the world capitalism does not shun any means to fight every threat and every questioning of the system of private ownership. In the war against socialism no means are too base and no measures too criminal to the international bourgeois class.
Against the international brotherhood of the capital owners against socialism, workers and oppressed the world over must put their own solidarity, the proletarian internationalism.
The vast majority of mankind has common interests in the struggle against capitalism, imperialism and racism.
The earth can feed its inhabitants, wealth can be distributed equally and threats against the global environment can be eliminated - if the system of private ownership is abolished, if greedy profits as the driving force of the aims of society are replaced with the needs of the human beings in accordance with the laws and possibilities of nature.
The privileged, the capital owners and their army of helping hands fear such a transformation. The workers have nothing to loose but their chains. But a whole world to win.

Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!